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Illusion Brought Me Here

4.2 ( 2032 ratings )
Utvecklare: Mario Garcia Torres

A holographic 3D image of each of the artists collaborators for the last twenty years will appear hanging around the eponymous shows galleries at the Walker Art Center, in Minneapolis. Some of them, had only met before inside Garcia Torres memory.

This piece is installed right now at the museum, and can´t be expereinced anywhere else; it was created specifically to be shown, along many other works, for the first time in this survey exhibition, which will travel afterwards to Wiels Art Centre, in Brussels. 

Mario Garcia Torres wanted to have all his collaborators of any source, from curators to sound producers to script-writers to be present in Illusion Brought Me Here. It’s for him a form of acknowledging their input but also the fact that works of art are not made in solitary and many other people influence their realization. I am part of the group of his collaborators, and I will be inside the galleries, at least until the show comes to an end.

See you there!

Vincenzo de Bellis
Curator of Visual Arts
Walker Art Center

After the splash screen there is the main screen, where you can see the piece of augmented reality, to do so focus on the floor with your camera device, and when a reference plane appears tap the screen, the augmented art piece will appear.

This app requires access to the location services in your device, the objects will only be augmented if you are in the WIELS Contemporary Art Centre.
This Augmented Reality app requires access to the camera in your device so that it can augment the objects which are another piece of Art.
With this app you can also save screenshots directly to your device photo album just tapping on the icon "screenshot" at the apps menu.